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12. Moreno D, Omosebi A, Jeon BW, Abad K, Kim YH, Thompson J, Liu K. "Optimization of Design and Operating Parameters in a Dual-Cell Flow System for Electrochemical CO2 to Formate Conversion Using Engineered Enzymatic Catalysts." Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2023 Apr 1;70:102441.

11. Naser, M., Thompson, J., Moreno, D., Abad, K., Omosebi, A., Wook Joen, B., Kim, Y.H., Liu, K. “Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid: The Life Cycle Assessment Study.” Environmental Science & Technology. Under Review.

10. Moreno D, Omosebi A, Jeon BW, Abad K, Kim YH, Thompson J, Liu K. "Electrochemical CO2 conversion to formic acid using engineered enzymatic catalysts in a batch reactor." Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2023 Apr 1;70:102441.
9. Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Landon, J., Thompson, J., Liu, K. “Electrochemical analysis of charge mediator product composition through transient model and experimental validation.” Journal of Analytical Electrochemistry. 2022 June 25.

8. Thompson, J., Omosebi, A., Moreno, D., Matin, N., Abad, K., Liu, K. An Intensified Electro-Catalytic Process for Production of Formic Acid from Power Plant CO2 Emissions: Final Technical Report. University of Kentucky Research Foundation; 2022 Apr 1.

7. Moreno, D., and Hatzell, M. “Constant Chemical Potential-Based Cycles for Capacitive Deionization.” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2019. Oct 24.

6. Moreno, D., and Hatzell, M. “Efficiency of Thermally Driven Capacitive Mixing and Deionization Systems.” ACS Sustainable Chemistry, 25 May 2019.

5. Dixit, M.; Moreno, D.; Xiao, X.; Hatzell, M.C.; Hatzell, K.B. “Mapping Charge Percolation in Flowable Electrodes Used in Capacitive Deionization”. ACS Letters. 3 May 2019.

4. Moreno, D., Bootwala, Y. Z., Tsai, W.Y., Gao, Q., Shen, F., Balke, N., Hatzell, K., and Hatzell, M.C.. “In Situ Electrochemical Dilatometry of Phosphate Anion Electrosorption.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018 Nov 14.

3. Gunawan A., Simmons R.A., Haynes M.W., Moreno D., Menon A.K., Hatzell M.C., Yee S.K.. “Techno-Economics of Cogeneration Approaches for Combined Power and Desalination From Concentrated Solar Power.” Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 2019 Apr 1.

2. Moreno, D., and Hatzell, M. “Efficiency of Carnot and Real Capacitive Deionization Cycles”. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2018 Sep. 7.

1. Moreno, D., and Hatzell M. “The influence of feed-electrode concentration differences in flow-electrode systems for capacitive deionization.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018 Jun 6.


Poster/Oral Presentations:


17. Cox, J., and Moreno, D. “The Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide and Formate Production.” Presented at Spring 2022 MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. 28 April 2023.

16. Torres, A., Obafemi-Ajayi, T., and Moreno, D. “The Effect of Different Types of Charging Cycles and Composition on the Aging of Li-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles.” Presented at Spring 2023 MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. 28 April 2023.

15. Moreno, D. “Using Temperature Variations to Demonstrate Analogous Carnot Heat Engines for Salinity Gradient Energy via Capacitive Mixing.” Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Power Conference. 18 July 2022.

14. Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Landon, J., Thompson, J., Liu, K. ““Kinetic and Product Composition Studies of 9,10-Anthraquinone-2,7-Disulfonic Acid: Correlating Transient/Steady-State Modeling with Experimental Analysis.” Proceedings of the 241st Electrochemical Society Meeting.1 June 2022.

13. Cox, J., Torres, A., Obafemi-Ajayi, T., and Moreno, D. “Design & Development of a Capacitive Deionization Unit for Evaluating Electrode Storage Limits.” Presented at Spring 2022 MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. 5 May 2022.

12. Landgraf, N., Cornelison, D., Skaggs, P., Cox, J., and Moreno, D. “Analysis of the Gas Evolution of a Nickel-Zinc Cell with Mass Spectrometry.” Presented at 2022 MOCAP Research Symposium. 8 March 2022.
11. Thompson, J., Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Abad, K., Liu, K. “Electrochemical CO2 Conversion to Formic Acid: Optimization of Production & Efficiency Via Operating Voltage Tuning and pH Regulation.” Proceedings of the AIChE 2021 Annual Meeting. 17 Nov. 2021.

10. Moreno, D., “Thermodynamic Evaluation of Electrode Storage for Capacitive Deionization Via Adsorption Isotherms.” 5th International Conference on Capacitive Deionization & Electrosorption (CDI&E). 11-14 May 2021.

9. Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Abad, K., Jeon, B.W., Landon, J., Liu, K., Kim, Y. H., and Thompson, J. “Electrochemical utilization of CO2 from coal power plants” 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-15, 1-18 Mar 2021. Submitted 15 Feb. 2021.

8. Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Abad, K., Thompson, J., and Liu, K. “Electrochemical CO2 Utilization: Scalable System Operation for Formic Acid Production.” Proceedings of the AIChE 2020 Annual Meeting. November 17, 2020.

7. Moreno, D., Omosebi, A., Abad, K., Thompson, J., and Liu, K. “Carbon Utilization: Electrochemical Approach Using Novel Catalyst and System Integration.” Presented at 8th Annual Oak Ridge Postdoctoral Association Research Symposium. July 22, 2020.

6. Moreno, D., and Hatzell, M. “Using Thermodynamics Principles to Optimize Performance of Capacitive Mixing Cycles for Salinity Gradient Energy Generation.” Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Power Conference. July 15, 2019, Snowbird, UT, USA.

5. Dixit, M., Moreno, D., Hatzell K., and Hatzell, M. “Evaluating Microstructure and Transport within Flow Electrodes for Capacitive Deionization.” In Meeting Abstracts. 2018 Jul 23 (No. 27, pp. 911-911). The Electrochemical Society.

4. Moreno, D., and Hatzell M. “Evaluating the Theoretical Efficiency of Capacitive Deionization (CDI) Cycles.” Dow BEST (Building Engineering Science and Talent) Symposium. 2018.

3. Moreno, D., and Hatzell M. “Addressing Thermodynamic and Transport Limitations in Capacitive Deionization.” Georgia Tech Electrochemical Society Local Conference. 4 May 2018.

2. Hatzell, K,, Hatzell, M,, Dixit, M,, and Moreno, D. “Toward energy-neutral and decentralized water re-use with flow-electrode capacitive deionization.” In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2017 Apr 2 (Vol. 253).

1. Stein, L., Aragon, D., Moreno, D., and Goodman, J. “Evidence for the persistent effects of an intervention to mitigate gender-stereotypical task allocation within student engineering teams”. Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2014.

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